by Ray Tomes

Harmonics Theory Part 16: Commonly Reported Cycles

This blog series from FSC Science Director Ray Tomes will share the fundamentals of physics in layman's terms, showing how present theory must inevitably lead to all waves losing energy and forming harmonically related waves. The end result is a very specific detailed structure that matches the observed universe and explains many previously mysterious observations. This series was previously published.

The following table shows commonly reported cycles periods that are linked by exact prime number ratios and includes many accurately measured cycle periods. The table has ratios of 2 horizontally and 3 vertically, except where larger prime ratios are shown on the right side.

Commonly reported cycles linked by exact prime number ratios

Specific cycles reported from different disciplines are:

586.24 MY - Geology - S Afanasiev
~600, ~300, ~150, 74 and 37 MY - Geology - G Williams et al
80.0, 53.3, 26.65 MY - Paleontology: Mass extinctions
2.22 MLY - Astronomy - Andromeda distance
1.11 MY - Astronomy - Solar system energy exchange
0.111, 0.0555 MY - Astronomy - Solar system dynamics
4600, 2300 Y - Climatology, Solar(?) - H H Lamb
4634, 2317, 771 Y - Astronomy - Outer planet alignments
~1000, 510, 170 Y - Weather etc - R Wheeler
355 - Historical and other - Chizhevski et al
178 - Astronomy - Outer planet dynamics, Sunspots(?)
143, 53, 22.0, 17.7, 11.2, 9.6, 6.0 Y - Wars - Chizhevski
8.9, 4.45 Y - Economics - Recessions
11.86 Y - Astronomy - Jupiter's orbital period
5.93 Y - Commodities
3.390 Y - US Stock market - E Dewey, R Mogey
1.695 Y - Commodities
154-155, 77 d = 0.423, 0.211 Y - Astronomy - Solar Corona
25.8 d = 0.0706 Y - Astronomy - Solar rotation

See also table of Edward R, Dewey cycles.